
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

China and Western Religious Beliefs Essay

In the early human social, Religious includes world explanation, judicial, moral cultivation and mental comfort, and other functions. In modern society, information and judicial have separated from some ghostly, but the moral training and mental comfort function will continue to exist. Religions whim systems and social groups atomic number 18 an important part of human thought culture and social form.1.1 The storey of ChristianityThe History of Christianity is the study of the religion started by a Jewish prophet from Naz beth named Jesus. Christianity would grow into one of the worlds major religions, impacting exclusively other religions and changing the course of human history. Christian history mainly concerns the Christian religion and Church, up to contemporary times and denominations. Christianity differs most significantly from the other Abrahamic religions in its claim that Jesus Christ is God the Son. The vast majority of Christians believe in a triune God consisting of three integrated and distinct persons Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Throughout its history, the religion has weathered schisms and theological disputes that have resulted in many distinct churches.The largest branches of Christianity are the Roman Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Churches. Christianity began spreading initially from Jerusalem, and then throughout the Near East, last becoming the state religion of Armenia in 301 , of Ethiopia in 325,of Georgia in 337, and then the State church of the Roman Empire in 380. Becoming usual to all of Europe in the Middle Ages, it expanded throughout the world during Europes Age of Exploration. Christianity has thus become the worlds largest religion. 1.2 The History of china religiousConfucianism, in like manner known as Confucianism, the Confucian doctrine, otherwise known as Confucianism, but does non refer to religion. Confucius as the master of Confucianism, so there is called Confucianis. Co nfucian classics formed in times of Confucius, but in different age the interpretation of Confucian classics are very different, so it is unvoiced get a comprehensive define to the Confucian. Essence of Confucianism can be said of social ethics and social management, ethics, or religious interpretation, but non the religion. Ming and Qing dynasties look the Neo-Confucianism that formed in Song Dynasty as official theory so the Neo-Confucianism has spread as mainstream of Confucianism. Comparison between Chinese and English religious beliefs2.1 The Similarities They have the same background, the Christian was created When the Jews were ruled by The Roman Empire, Jews look forward to a person just like the farseer said who can command them moving towards freedom. While China, Confucianism and Taoism are created when the populate were suffering in pain during the Warring States period, 2.2 The Differences1. Separation of Man and God in Western religions and unity of that in Chinaor iginal sin is the foundation of Christian theory and practice . Because human ancestors, Adam and eva had sinned, corrupt moral invaded their body, and Transmitted to their descendants, the result is men are guilty, all mankind have sin. because of this people are bound to die, and will were punished in all their life. We can see from the original sin all things of Christianity are classified into two worlds the human world and Gods world. Persons world is a world separated from God, and humans world depends on Gods world, so everything is the communication between the two worlds and its results. Obviously, Christianity preached that man and God, the separation of man and nature. While Chinese religion would express that the harmony between man and nature, issues of life within a confined themselves, to solve problems with people- oriented.2. Monotheism of western religions and pluralism of China religions Christianity is a strictly monotheistic, think that there that have one mas ter of the universe that is God. According to predetermined level of order and purpose God arrange things of the universe. God as God, but also the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Starting this belief, the Christian establish a complete doctrine including Doctrine of God, creationism, human nature, original sin of Christ on, Salvation. Understanding the fellowship and stories of Bible is a very important part of the western cultural training. Therefore after the formation of Christianity it gradually established a fixed, unified determine and outlook on life. Those are met with the religious teaching, whether the regulation or the modern thoughts can not be divorced from the relationship with this religious.In practice, Christianity also get-go from system to establish unified church organization such as church in urban and rural areas for christians to pray. Chinas religious has condition people great freedom, so that people can hold religious sentiment in their hearts. Therefore, the God most Chinese people worship is not uniform. Most Chinese people do not belong to a religious organization, however, are more or less exist a unified spirit from Confucianism Buddhism and Taoism. The religious traditions in China, Confucianism has constituted the soul of Chinese culture in the long course of historical development. Many thinkers and politicians in China are based on the Confucian sense of responsibility to pursue truth, to maintain the orthodox and the implementation of reforms.On the other hand, in addition to Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the Chinese family religion and worship of God is also very much prosperity and universal, various gods are the object that believers worship incense. the strong contrast between the abstract life and practical life resulted in the loss of religious values and alienation in China, and also led to the emergence and spread of a renewing of primitive superstitious beliefs and event. It caused abnormal development of t he spiritual life, so that a heavy burden put on the reality of Chinese culture, many people have a spiritual emptiness

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