
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Drug Addiction Opinion Paper #2

        Drug addiction is a enigma that affects families round the country. It merely starts with one drink, one puff, or one snort. People evaluate that its no big deal, omit when the drug addiction affects your family and those most you, then it becomes a trustworthy big issue.         Drug bail occurs for many a(prenominal) reasons. Some mess begin development drugs when they ar with their peers, especially when they are teens. Teenagers ofttimes want to fit in and be cool. They start using drugs for fun, but then it ends up being an addiction.         The most best-selling(predicate) drug among teens is marijuana. many another(prenominal) teens stack it once in a while. But others smoke it routine with their friends. One of my co-workers smokes marijuana cursory, leash times a day, for breakfast, dejeuner and dinner. I asked him if he of all time thought he was wedded? He said that he didnt think he was. And this is the bearing most people ease up when they are addicted to drugs. They dont spot as they have a problem, so they dont try to take aim help. Many teens dont want to ensure using the drugs they do because they exchangeable how the drug makes them feel.
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